Tuesday, November 29, 2011

If I Were to Compare Thee to a Termite Infestation

Eventually, I was able to calm down, and collect myself; bed bugs aren't the worst thing in the world. And, after cruising the Internet for a week or so, and reading  other people's horror stories, I was able to get some perspective. I also managed to calm myself with what a psychiatrist would probably call Scahdenfreude, which is laughing at others' misfortune. I turned to termite infestation victims.

It couldv've been worse
These poor souls were the ones who really had to shell out the big bucks to fix their homes. Some of them had never encountered a pest control problem before, and this was their introduction to the world of insects in the home. Many of them had to rebuild their homes, or abandon them altogether because they were beyond repair. There were some very sad stories out there. Stories that made me happier about my own problem. I don't recommend Scahdenfreude, as it seems to corrupt what should be natural empathy we have for those in unfortunate situations, but every once in a while it can soothe the savage beast that is self pity.

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